Boynton Beach [K-8] Campus - Service Hours
As agreed to by all Parents/Guardians and defined in the Parent School Contract, Franklin Academy families must complete service hours each academic year. Franklin Academy’s family service hour agreement states that Franklin families will be required to perform eight (8) hours of service for the academic year regardless of the number of students enrolled.
1) Service hours may be completed at any Franklin Academy campus, and you are not limited to the campus your child attends. If you are performing your hours at a different campus, you MUST bring your Service Hour ID with you as the staff may not be able to look up your records if your child does not attend that campus.
2) In an effort to offer Parents/Guardians the greatest opportunity to fulfill their service hour obligations, Franklin Academy is implementing a new system that will automate and simplify the process. This system will interact with our Raptor Security System and enables parents to use one portal for all service hour information. This one portal will allow parents to view and sign-up for service hour opportunities and view the number of service hours completed. Parents will be able to view their completed service hours as soon as they are posted to Raptor.
First-time Portal Users: To Access the Volunteer Portal you are required to complete a one-time “Volunteer Application”. Once the application is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on the next steps, including a link to setup your portal password. All information will remain confidential.
Returning Portal Users: Click HERE to sign in.
If you have any questions regarding your service hour obligation, please do not hesitate to contact your Service Hour Coordinator, Alexandria Dowdell at or Mrs. Tina Huelsman, at
Service Hour Brochure
Download PDF
Off Campus Service Hour Form
Download PDF
These service hours are available every school day. You do not need to sign up for these hours. Please go to the front office to sign in.
Carline 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM & 1:45 PM to 3:30 PM
Lunch 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Office assistance
9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
PTO service hour opportunity 2024-2025 (Click to sign-up to for service hours)
Service Hours FAQ
My Hours In Powerschool Aren't Updating. Why Not?
The Service Hours page of the PowerSchool Parent Portal are updated quarterly. This quarterly update includes the hours performed by all associated familiy members. Individual family members can view their personal totals 24/7 via the Raptor Volunteer portal.
Do I Have To Complete An Application For My Spouse If I Have Completed One?
Yes. Each individual who is going to perform service hours must complete their own application. This allows Raptor to perform a background check on each individual. Here is the direct link to complete the Volunteer application:
What Can I Donate In Exchange For Hours?
Franklin's Service Hour program is based upon the concept that a child's educational experience is enhanced by having an involved parent. Therefore, the program is based upon the amount of time that the family spends involved with the school. Unfortunately, this means that families cannot donate an item in exhange for service hours.
If you have something to donate, we would love to take it, but it does not count toward your annual service hour requirement.
Why Does Powerschool Display An Incorrect Amount Of Completed Hours?
The service hour report in PowerSchool is only updated quarterly. (See question #1)
However, if PowerSchool has been updated and your hours still appear to be incorrect, there are a few potential reasons:
1) Your family Service Hour ID hasn't been added to your Raptor record. Please email your campus Director of School Operations to have your Raptor record updated.
2) You have more than one child and your family has accidently been assigned multiple Service Hour IDs. Besides displaying the quarterly service hour total, the PowerSchool service hour page provides your assigned Service Hour ID. Review the ID listed with each child. They should be identical. If they are not, please email your campus Director of School Operations to have both your PowerSchool and Raptor records updated.
I Reported An Issue With My Service Hour Total But I'm Still Not Seeing Anything Change In Powerschool. Why Not?
All reported service hour tracking errors are addressed as they are received, however the corrections may not appear until the next quarterly update. However, you can always review your Raptor volunteer portal to see your recorded hours.
Each family member can only see their own hours inside of Raptor, so all associated family members would have to check their portal in between quarterly PS updates.
How Can I See The Hours I’ve Completed?
The Raptor Volunteer portal provides a real-time display of the hours you have completed.
Each member can see their own hours 24/7 but family totals, are only tallied quarterly and are available on the PowerSchool parent portal. If you have already created your Raptor Volunteer application, you can access the volunteer portal via this direct link:
Where Is The Form I Need To Fill Out For Off-Campus Hours?
The Off Campus Service Hour Form can be found on the campus service hour page. This form should only be used for tasks performed after hours or on weekends. The form needs to be submitted within 30 days of the task to be valid and the person completing the hours needs to have an active Raptor Volunteer account, so we can assign the hours to the proper record.
The form should be submitted directly to the person who assigned the off-campus hours, so they can sign-off on your work. They will then submit the form to the front office staff for processing.
Can I Perform Service Hours At Another Campus?
Yes. Service hours can be completed at any campus. (Even ones where you don't have a child currently attending) When you complete your Raptor Volunteer Application, please include the campus at which your child attends and any and all campuses that you might want to visit to complete your hours.
Can My High School Student Perform Hours For Me?
No. For safety and security purposes, family service hours can only be performed by siblings that are 18 years or older AND not currently attending a public school.
Can My Family Complete Hours On My Behalf?
Yes. Any member of your immediate family can complete hours (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, etc...)
Do I Have To Complete 8 Hours For EACH Of My Children?
No. Franklin's service hour requirement is per family, so the number of children attending Franklin does not affect your requirement. Each family must complete 8 hours annually.
I Have A Hardship That Prevents Me From Completing Service Hours. Is There An Exception?
In very rare and special circumstances, the Franklin Academy Foundation Governing Board may provide a service hour exception. Please provide the details of your request to the Principal who will share the request with the Board. The Principal is not authorized to grant a waiver and this must come from the Board.
What Happens If I Don't Complete My Service Hour Requirement?
Families that fail to satisfy their annual requirement will be notified and are subject to the following:
- The student WILL be restricted from particpating in all extracurricular activities (after school clubs, field trips, dances, competitive athletic teams, etc...)
- The family RISKS not be asked to return for the following year
My Child Completed Service Hours As Part Of The IB Programme Requirements. Can These Hours Count Toward My Family Service Hour Requriement?
No. Student service hours fulfill the IB programme requirements for students, not the parent service hour requirement.
Why Am I Generating a QR Code Error? (From a Mobile Device)
When logging into the Raptor Volunteer Portal on a mobile device, you will be automatically taken to a page that indicates that you have not yet been assigned a QR code. Franklin Academy does not utilize QR codes and kiosks for volunteer sign-ins. Unfortunately, the Raptor mobile device login assumes that we do so it expects the user to have a QR Code already assigned to them. (See image below)
If you want to utilize the portal from your mobile device, please just ignore this warning. In the upper right-hand corner of your screen, select the three horizontal bars to expand the menu. From there you can select any of the other pages, such as Hours, Events, Preferences, etc...
Do You Perform a Background Check Before I Can Complete On-Campus Hours?
Yes. All visitors and volunteers on campus are required to present a government-issued ID and be cleared through our Raptor Visitor and Volunteer software. While on campus, adults performing service hours must wear their 'Volunteer' badge at all times.
Additionally, adults who have not completed a Level II background check are not permitted to be left unsupervised with students.
How Many Hours Can I Earn for an OFF-Campus Copy Project?
OFF-Campus copy projects are worth a flat 30 mintues, regardless of the size of the project. Additionally, they must be reported within 30 days via the off-campus Service Hour Form.
[Copies made ON campus do not apply to this restriction as your time on campus is what counts towards your family requirement].